Romans 8:19 (NIV)
Lost parakeet! The colorful roadside sign immediately caught my attention. I couldn't help but chuckle as I drove the scenic, two-lane country road to meet a graphic designer at his home office located in rural central Pennsylvania. A lost dog I get. A lost cat makes sense. But, a lost bird?
My business associate and I exchanged typical business pleasantries as he greeted me at his front door. We walked in the direction of his lower-level office and our conversation quickly turned to a delightful tale of his recent encounter with one of nature's fine feathered friends.
My business associate and I exchanged typical business pleasantries as he greeted me at his front door. We walked in the direction of his lower-level office and our conversation quickly turned to a delightful tale of his recent encounter with one of nature's fine feathered friends.
While washing off debris from his backyard patio a few days earlier, my colleague stooped down to loosen the coiled garden hose that lay at his feet. A cornflower-colored tuft of feathers caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. Surprisingly, closer examination of the small bundle revealed a statuesque-like blue parakeet fiercely clutching the bottom rung of a wrought iron deck chair.
Big hearted guy that he is, not to mention previous bird owner, my associate lifted the chair ever so carefully and carried it--winged friend and all--into his house straightaway. He pulled out an old bird cage from storage. Then at an unhurried pace, he tenderly coaxed the frightened budgerigar into the wire coop.
Sir Prize. With the exception of an occasional nap, the newly named, quite content budgie sat atop his perch and entertained us with his chirps and chatter during our entire meeting. And what bird wouldn't? Strategically placed on a baby grand piano, his lovely new digs are surrounded by windows. He is afforded fantastic views, not to mention companionship, safety, and a continuous supply of food and water.
In the New Testament book of Romans 8, the Apostle Paul embraced the metaphor of adoption in order to describe the status of Christians in relation to God. He also wrote of the inheritance that belongs to believers because God has adopted us as His children. Present adversity didn't make Paul stumble. They faded in comparison. So real to him was the magnificent unseen age to come.
For now, we also wait. With expectation and earnest longing, we wait for the glory God will reveal to us, and in us, for us, and confer on us. What a prize!
Blessings, dear friend.
Faithfully Following
PS If you know someone who's lost a blue parakeet, give me a shout. Until then, Sir Prize is at home and thriving in central Pennsylvania.
Sir Prize Photo: Lance Dietrich
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